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11/3/2016 - RMG - Video for Salesian Mission Day 2016
Photo for the article -RMG – VIDEO FOR SALESIAN MISSION DAY 2016

(ANS - Rome) – Each year, as an aid for Salesian Mission Day, the Mission Sector, in collaboration with Missioni Don Bosco in Turin, prepares a video on the specific theme of Salesian Mission Day. This year this video presents the Salesians in Oceania.

The video opens with the missionary dream of Don Bosco about Oceania. In 1885, he saw "an aggregate of many islands, whose inhabitants were of varied character and appearance" and "a multitude of young people" who tended towards him with hands outstretched shouting "Come and help us!"

For many Oceania is unknown. Salesian Mission Day 2016 seeks to raise awareness of its natural beauty and enormous cultural diversity, and the work of the Salesians for young people. As the Rector Major wrote in his message for Salesian Mission Day 2016, they try to "cultivate the art of understanding the different and specific cultural aspects of each group and of every nation."

The video shows how among the people there is an openness to the Gospel. "For us in Oceania, this is indeed an opportune time" says Fr Ángel Fernández Artime. "There is fertile ground for the charism, for proclaiming Jesus ... where the charism will take root, and will bring even more fruit if we are faithful to Don Bosco and to the young people of Oceania today."

The video, together with the booklet for Salesian Mission Day 2016, is intended to help people to look at Oceania with the eyes of Don Bosco, seeing there a promising new frontier for the first proclamation of Jesus Christ.

Published 11/03/2016

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