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9/2/2016 - Argentina - Chapels that evangelize and share bread

(ANS - Fontana) - "The poor man who has no fortune is like refuse - because no one takes care of his race. The 'gaucho' must have house, school, church and rights." So said José Hernández in his famous work "El Gaucho Martin Fierro". It's been more than two centuries and people continue to suffer. In northern Argentina, the Salesians are working among people who need not only bread, but also someone who will speak to them about Jesus.

At Fontana near Resistencia, Chaco, the Salesians have care of the parish of Jesus of Good Hope and its chapels. Every morning, the chapels are filled with worshipers for prayer. Every Sunday, the faithful fill the small enclosures as they gather in prayer to meet with the God of life. In five of these chapels, there are canteens that every day offer lunch and snacks to about 500 people, including children, youth and adults, along with classes and recreational and leisure activities.

The vast majority of the children and families who attend the canteens are living precariously in areas where there are no public services. Some are of Quom ethnicity. The dining halls, in addition to meals, offer a space for education in the faith and personal accompaniment of boys and girls.

For the proper functioning of the Social Works it is necessary to renew the spaces and install infrastructure that is needed for the provision of basic services such as access to water. And therefore there is need to purchase equipment and supplies. The parish cannot assume all the costs. The people have started to donate whatever little they have since, after all, it is for their benefit. "We need to collect 258,519.30 pesos (about 20,000 Euros) - write the project managers - a large sum, which can only be reached with the help of all our donors and benefactors. Our only wish is to help the poor."

Published 09/02/2016

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