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4/2/2016 - Great Britain - Building bridges in Battersea: the opening ceremony

(ANS – London) – Every feast of Don Bosco is a great day of celebration for the Salesians and Salesian Family, for every Salesian Parish and School, but Don Bosco's Day in 2016 was particularly special in Battersea. This weekend saw the completion of the building and the opening of the new Salesian House and the re-launch of the Salesian Mission after 128 years.

It was the final stage in a comprehensive re-development of the buildings and facilities in Battersea: first the new facilities attached to the Sacred Heart Parish, then the new build for St John Bosco College, and now a new home for the Salesian Community.

The vision for this new development comes from Don Bosco's 'Oratory Model', where he wanted every Salesian house and work to be a home, a school, a church and a playground.

There is a real sense of a 'new beginning' and of an opportunity to 'build new bridges in Battersea' around this project and the new facilities available. It is a chance to begin again, to cross the traditional boundaries of home, school and church, and to work together for the benefit of young people. It is also a great opportunity to break out of those traditional buildings and reach out to all people in the spirit of Pope Francis's 'Missionary Church'.

The principal guests at the opening ceremony were Archbishop Peter Smith (Southwark) who blessed the new house, Fr Martin Coyle SDB (Provincial of Great Britain), Fr Michael Casey SDB (Provincial of Ireland), Jane Ellison, MP for Battersea, Balham and Wandsworth, Cllr Mrs Tessa Strickland and Bishop Howard Tripp (retired).

The Headteacher of St John Bosco College, Mr Simon Uttley, offered the Salesian Family some guidance for their journey into the future, inviting all the people to “create a network of loving kindness here in Battersea”.

Finally, the 150 guests were delighted with a wonderful dance presentation from students from Thornleigh Salesian College, Bolton who interpreted the theme of building bridges with a performance titled 'Safe and Sound'.

Published 04/02/2016

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