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27/1/2016 - Italy - Statement of the Salesian Cooperators

(ANS - Rome) - The Association of Salesian Cooperators in the region Italy-Middle East-Malta has issued a press release in conjunction with the discussion in the Italian Parliament on a draft law on civil unions.

The association is made up overwhelmingly of lay people, with about 9,000 member in Italy. It has been working for all of 140 years, along with the Salesian and Salesian Sisters for the good of young people from all social backgrounds, giving priority to those who live in situations of hardship, in the so-called "peripheries" not only geographical but also social.

The work of Salesian Cooperators touches daily the reality of youth problems in all age groups. Young people have difficulties that arise, often, from serious family problems, and are aggravated when the young people are deprived of the educational support of one or both figures that make up the natural family, the father or the mother.

The full text of the press release is available on the website of the association.

Published 27/1/2016

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