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21/1/2016 - Ukraine - Ukrainian Salesians serving youth ... in the trenches!

(ANS - Lviv) - In the context of the war which has been going on in Ukraine since April 2014, a need arose for chaplains for the Ukrainian military who are defending the unity of the state. Two Salesian priests, Hrygoriy Shved and Oleh Ladniuk, are serving as chaplains in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which at the present time are involved in ​the anti-terrorism operation (ATO) in Eastern Ukraine.

The two Salesians spent some time with the army on the front providing spiritual guidance and psychological support, especially at times when the tension was greatest. In September and December 2014, Fr Shved served as a volunteer in the war and was wounded.

"Not only do we work with young people, but we are concerned about them and we suffer with them” he said. When the Patriotic protest Movement called 'Euromaidan' was gathering in Kiev, and I heard the news of those young people who were dying, I wanted to be right there. (...) I managed to find a few days to go to Kiev and I was in Maidan just after the massacres. It was a hard moment, it seemed that everything was finished. We saw the coffins of young people who had been killed. We celebrated the funeral rites and blessed the victims, and I realized that our mission was to be with those young people and to support them.

When I heard there was an opportunity to go as a volunteer, I immediately remembered Maidan. Who knows what young people think in those circumstances, in that last moment ... I think some will want to make their confession or exchange a few words, to be among friends, maybe they need support from a priest, instead of a military officer. This is why I decided to go in the belief that I could be useful on the front."

Fr Ladniuk served as a military chaplain during the Christmas and Easter periods. He says: "The direct task of the chaplain is priestly service: hearing confession, celebrating Mass and the funeral rites, and of course supporting the soldiers spiritually. Here in the war zone they really need psychologists. Depression, sadness and pain are frequent guests of our souls, especially now with the war. As chaplains we give psychological help and moral support through prayer. A chaplain becomes the master of how not to lose strength. He helps the soldiers to avoid errors (...). Hatred and murder cannot bring people peace. Talking with the soldiers I always ask them not to lower themselves to the level of those who attack and provoke aggression. But of course it's difficult. "

In war zones there is an enormous need for military chaplains. For their service the two Salesians received from Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the honorary award "The cross of the military chaplain." Fr Shved also received the medal of honour "For merit in the Armed Forces of Ukraine" given by General Viktor Muzhenko, Head of Staff of the Army of Ukraine.

Published 21/01/2016

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