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5/1/2016 - Italy - Central Italy Middle East: distances will be reduced

(ANS - Roma)- A little more than 2,000 kilometres separate Rome from Cairo, the Egyptian megalopolis, with its 18 million inhabitants. But the aim of the Missionary Project designed by the Salesians of the District of Central Italy (ICC) and the Province of the Middle East (MOR) means that these distances could be reduced significantly.

Distances will be reduced because young leaders of the Salesian Houses of Zaytoun, Rome, Ancona and Cagliari will meet more often during the summer missionary experiences; because the Egyptian students of the Technical Institute of Rod El Farag will be supported in their studies by families in Genoa; because the middle school students in Florence will offer someone of their own age in Cairo the possibility of a summer camp, which will help to drive away the harsh reality of their everyday life.

They will be reduced because young people of the SYM in Central Italy come together for a formation course (called Scuola di Mondialita’) to get to know more about the problems and resources of people who are so close geographically yet so far away culturally; and because the SYM leaders in Central Italy will help to start the Youth Summer Camp at the Salesian Oratory of Rod El Farag.

This ICC-MOR Missionary Project marks the start of a new missionary front in the Middle East, built on collaboration, communion and solidarity between the two provinces. It takes the form of a desire to walk together, in small steps, taking charge of each other’s burdens and sharing each other’s joys, helping each other to overcome isolation and prejudice, poverty and self-centredness.

It is being born from real collaboration between the two Provinces, and not just between houses or confreres. It will last for three years, and can then be renewed. In this way progress can be evaluated at different stages of the journey. Its founders have a dream: "To rekindle in the heart of every house the missionary spirit that characterizes the Salesian charism."

Published 05/01/2016

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