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15/12/2015 - India - The Peace Team of northeast India has become an international model

(ANS - Guwahati) - The Peace Team of Guwahati, northeast India, founded by Salesian Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, Archbishop Emeritus of Guwahati, has become an international model. Its approach and methods of intervention in the resolution of conflicts at local level were taken as paradigmatic criteria by the famous Berghof Foundation, an independent organization based in Berlin, which will propose their use in areeas of conflict around the world.

As reported to Fides by Archbishop Menamparampil, the Berghof Foundation has made field visits and analysed in depth, for over five years, the work of the Peace Team that has managed to mediate successfully in many cases of ethnic, tribal, religious, political and social strife in the northeast of India

The Peace Team has been active for over two decades. Archbishop Menamparampil was its founder and still is the motivator, giving it a gospel approach. Describing the method chosen in the work of mediation, the Archbishop said: "We never blame anyone, no matter what mistakes the people make. We ask those concerned to look to the future and to understand how we can live together."  He also says that it is important "to reduce anger before negotiations", and move in a "pedagogy of persuasion", rather than the "pedagogy of humiliation", which always generates new hatred and resentment.

"The road to peace is long and winding, but the believer always maintains hope and never gives up. He tries to draw strength from the small deposit of love of peace that is in every human heart, and to make it grow. Then peace comes like a miracle," he concludes.

Published 15/12/2015

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