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15/12/2015 - United States - Bosco Tech Sophomore Ministers to children worldwide

(ANS – Rosemead) – Receiving a thank you letter from a child in Nepal inspired Bosco Tech sophomore Grayson Wade (Architecture & Construction Engineering) in his ongoing work with Operation Christmas Child.

For months every fall, Grayson honors the Salesian directive of helping those less fortunate by collecting small toys, personal hygiene items and candy for small children in third world countries. The items are placed in gift wrapped shoe boxes and distributed worldwide.

“Since being introduced to this charity in 2010, I have increased the number of shoeboxes from 2 in 2010 to 445 last year in 2014! – Grayson says – The total number to date is 1,005 shoebox gifts to children in countries including Nepal, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South Africa, Madagascar, Philippines and China.  Additionally, the number of families which have supported me has grown from 50 in 2011 to 175 in 2014”.   

This year, Grayson has enlisted his classmates and teachers and is nearing his goal of filling 600 gift boxes. Operation Christmas Child, run by the Samaritan’s Purse organization, has been offering spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world since 1970.

Grayson visits local community organizations, like Rotary International and Kiwanis International, to encourage others to get involved. He also goes door to door asking for donations and has collected boxes in schools and businesses around the community. The resourceful young man even has local shoe stores saving empty boxes.

“I’m inspired thinking of the kids who are happy to receive a box,” he says. “I like to think it spreads hope. It’s a good way to speak about our faith andencourage people to believe in God. And I think it’s important to help others because we take a lot of small things for granted in this country. I think it’s a good way to instill interest in other countries at an early age.” Moreover, “this may be the only gift that a child has received or will receive in their childhood” he concludes. 

Learn more about Operation Christmas Child:

Learn more about Grayson’s progress:

Published 15/12/2015

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