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9/12/2015 - Vatican - Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy: "Mercy before Judgment"

(ANS - Vatican City) - Yesterday, 8 December, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, in a gesture both simple and historic, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica. "We must put Mercy before judgment, and in any case, God's judgment will always be in the light of his mercy," the Pope said in the homily of the Mass celebrated earlier.

by Gian Francesco Romano

It was just after 11.00 a.m. when the Pontiff, last of all the concelebrants of the Mass, left the churchyard of St. Peter's Square and went in front of the Holy Door. "This is the gate of the Lord. Open to me the gates of righteousness," the Pope said, according to the rite, before throwing open the double doors. Then, after crossing the threshold, he added: "Open to me the gates of righteousness. Through your mercy, I will come into your house. "

After Pope Francis came the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI followed by the cardinals, bishops and religious authorities present. This is how the Jubilee pilgrimage started. It continued throughout the day yesterday and will continue until 20 November 2016, Feast of Christ the King.

Previously, the Liturgy of the Eucharist for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception had been celebrated before an estimated crowd of about 70,000 faithful, and before the TV cameras of the world. The celebration was sober and recollected, in keeping with the style of Pope Francis.

Many ideas emerged in the homily, in view of the multiple occurrences of the day: first, the reference to Mary, the one who was fully open to Grace, and was "capable of accomplishing an act so great as to change the history of mankind". There was also reference to the legacy of the Second Vatican Council - yesterday was the 50th anniversary of its conclusion. "This deadline should not be remembered only for the wealth of the documents produced, which to this day provide a check on the great progress accomplished in the faith,” the Pope said. “The Council was first of all a meeting, a real encounter between the Church and the people of our time."

However, the mercy of God was the focus of the papal reflection, and it could not have been otherwise, given the day. The Pope explained that the Holy Year is a gift of grace, and that entering the Holy Door means "discovering the depth of the mercy of God that welcomes all and goes to meet each one in person."

The mercy of God comes before judgement and the Jubilee serves to enable humanity to perceive this mystery of love and tenderness. The Pope’s message was: "Let us abandon all forms of fear and dread, because they do not befit one who is loved. Rather, let us live in the joy of the grace that transforms everything."

Published 9/12/2015

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