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2/12/2015 - RMG - Cause for Beatification of the Servant of God Cardinal Giuseppe Guarino

(ANS - Rome) – On Thursday 26 November, following the request made by Sister Mary Cerullo, Superior General of the Apostles of the Holy Family, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, gave his permission for the cause of beatification and canonization of the founder of this group of the Salesian Family, the Servant of God Cardinal Joseph Guarino, to be taken up by the Postulator General of the Salesians.

Fr Pier Luigi Cameroni,

Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family

Giuseppe Guarino was born in Montedoro in the province of Caltanissetta on 6 March 1827. He studied in the seminary of Agrigento and was ordained priest in 1849. In 1871 he became Archbishop of Syracuse, where he conquered the hearts of the people and revived the fervour of religious life. In 1875 Pius IX entrusted him with the Archdiocese of Messina, which he served for 22 years.

He was responsible for the reorganization of the seminary and the active and fruitful service of the religious, male and female, who were called to collaborate in it. In addition, in 1889, he founded a new religious family: the Little Servants (now known as the Apostles) of the Holy Family, entrusting them with the mission to work for the religious and social development of the young and the integral promotion of the family.

He distinguished himself especially by his active charity that reached the level of heroism during the epidemics of smallpox and cholera that struck Messina between 1885 and 1887. Then on the occasion of the earthquake that devastated the city in 1894, he offered his life to God that the damage and casualties might be limited. In the consistory of 18 January 1893 he was made a cardinal by Pope Leo XIII. He died in Messina on 21 September 1897.

Cardinal Guarino always admired Don Bosco and supported him in his work, even though they were in contact only by letter, and he received from Don Bosco the title "Salesian Cooperator". One of his biographers wrote of him: "He seemed to be filled with the spirit of Don Bosco. He was affable and gentle with everyone." He asked Don Bosco to send the Salesians to Messina to work with the young, a request that was met by Don Rua in 1893.

The cause of Cardinal Guarino is currently in the Roman phase where work is being done on drafting the Positio super virtutibus. This brings to 29 the number of Servants of God whose cause for beatification and canonization are currently being accompanied by the Postulator General.

Published 02/12/2015

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