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2/12/2015 - Great Britain - The expanded dream of Don Bosco in Battersea

(ANS – London) – "It is good for us to be here," said Fr Martin Coyle SDB, Salesian Provincial, to express his feelings during the Official Opening of the new buildings of Saint John Bosco College. The Formal Ceremony with the Blessing of the new school took place on 13 November.

By Cristiana Ferrauti

With a morning Mass at the Sacred Heart Church, the students gathered together with the staff to pray for and celebrate this new beginning. During the Service, the assembly remembered the four pillars of a place built for the youth, according to Don Bosco: Church, School, Playground, and Home.

Right after the Mass the authorities and other guests arrived at the new school in Parkham Street. The Auditorium, decorated with the Bicentenary banners, welcomed all the visitors. Jane Ellison - Member of Parliament for Battersea -, Cllr Ravi Govindia - Leader of Wandsworth Council -, and the Most Rev Peter Smith - Archbishop of Southwark - were among the guests on the stage.

"This new building is an integral part of our commitment to the continuation of the Salesian mission in Battersea, as influence in London for this generation and for future generations." The Very Rev Martin Coyle SDB remembered Don Bosco's will to expand the loving educative system to English speaking countries.

New buildings mean new spaces, new instruments, more advanced methods of studying. Key teachers are essential, as Ms Ellison reminded the audience, but new facilities, close to to the other centres of the Salesian community in London - the Church, first of all - will allow the youth to really engage with the subject of study. It is intended also to provide those less fortunate with the necessary tools, so that they will not be deprived of education.

"If we are going to transform society, we have to start with education," continued Ms Ellison.

And if the students will be the foremost to receive the benefits of the new school, it is to be said they will not be the only ones. The community, the borough of Wandsworth, and not least the whole Salesian family greets this as a bright beginning.

Published 02/12/2015

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