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1/12/2015 - RMG - "Back to the Future" for Don Bosco: the video of the Bicentenary

(ANS - Rome)-  A video coming in the wake of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco will be released on 8 December. It is not a video presenting a chronicle of the celebrations around the world that marked this year of grace for the Salesian Family, but a video which, despite its brevity, tries to condense the feeling of strong and affectionate remembrance that his "birthday" has aroused in all the friends of Don Bosco. The title announced by the Rector Major expresses it with vigour: "I say that John Bosco is alive!"

 By Fr Bruno Ferrero, SDB

It is not therefore the commemoration of a date, the evocation of a glorious past or a simple half-buried memory. It is what might be called a "subversive memory": that is, a prophecy of a dynamic and vital future.

The video opens with the beating of the heart of Don Bosco to show that this great heart continues to beat today: thousands of male and female Salesians every day continue to be the heart of Don Bosco who is moved and is committed to all young people and people in need. Wherever there is a Salesian, Don Bosco is alive.

We are living in a difficult time tinged with dark threats. It can be compared to a hostile sea, a harbinger of terrible storms. Ours is a society faced with doubts and uncertainties which needs Don Bosco more than ever before. Now more than ever our world needs Salesians who will continue to fill in the colour and give warmth to the rough draft drawn by Don Bosco.

As stated by the Rector Major, in the dream of the raft Don Bosco faced out into the stormy sea in order to save the young. After 200 years, the Salesians are still doing the same, without any fear. Don Bosco is not the past but the present and the future.

The video of the Bicentenary will be officially released in several languages, on 8 December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the anniversary of the Salesian oratory.

In advance of that date another short video will be published in which the Councillor General for Social Communication, Fr Filiberto González, introduces the video of the Bicentenary.

Published 01/12/2015

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