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26/11/2015 - Italy - Embrace the Future with Hope: the 86th half-yearly meeting of USG
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(ANS - Rome) - The Superior Generals of the various Institutes of Consecrated Life gathered yesterday, Wednesday 25 November, at the Salesianum in Rome, for their 86th half-yearly meeting. The theme was "Embrace the Future with Hope. Consecrated persons on a journey with the people of God." Yesterday was devoted to reflection on the recent Synod of Bishops on the role of the family.

After the initial greeting by the President, Fr Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, there were contributions from four delegates who had attended the Synod.

Fr Baawobr of the Missionaries of Africa said that he was impressed by the different sensitivities and the many issues raised, adding that the ultimate convergence of a synthesis "was a sign that the Spirit of Jesus was at work in accompanying the assembly."

For Fr Schroeder of the Benedictines of Sant'Ottilia, the very cornerstone of the synod was the challenge of globalization. "How can the Church preserve its unity, as a universal Church, in the face of enormous cultural diversity?" he wondered, concluding that "we have to embody the values ​​of our faith more deeply in our respective cultures."

According to Fra Cadorè, a Dominican, the "crucial issue" of the synod, was that of "the ecclesial nature". And, he argued through a theology of communion, that the good news of the paschal mystery should be evident from the life of believers, and that families should be seen as places of mediation even to the point where they become the first evangelizers.

Finally, Fra Herve, of the Little Brothers of Jesus, recalled some "highlights" of the Synod, as singled out by the Pope himself, such as starting from Nazareth, receiving every single person with a look of mercy, building a Church that is fully Synodal, the importance of accompaniment and developing a look that is always more and more merciful.

Work continued in the afternoon with the report of the Secretary General, Fr David Glanday on the period 2012-2015.

This morning, Thursday, proceedings opened with a discussion in which many participants spoke on the work of the Synod.  These included Professor Jésus Manuel Arroba Conde, Claretian, Dean of the Faculty of "utriusque jure" of the Pontifical Lateran University; Fr Saulo Scarabattoli, pastor at Perugia and prison chaplain; and Professor Giuseppina De Simone, professor at the Theological Faculty of Naples.

In late morning the election of the new President took place. The Superior Generals elected Fra Mauro Johri, Minister General of the Capuchin Friars Minor.

The Vice President of USG will be elected this afternoon.

Published 26/11/2015

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