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20/11/2015 - Central African Republic - Testimony from Bangui - part 2

(ANS - Bangui) - We publish today the second and final part of the testimony of the Salesian Fr Desiré Adjeckam, Director of the Salesian Training Centre and the Don Bosco Institute of Secondary Education at Damala, Bangui. He speaks about the activities of the Salesians in the country.

Hygiene kits have been purchased to prevent disease, as well as cloth to make uniforms for the laboratories. Every child was presented with a school ID card for identification, valid also for the circulation in the country and giving recognition as citizens, since the Séléka rebels have taken away the machine used to issue identity cards.

Each morning before school, the children are given classes on peace, forgiveness, reconciliation, respect for life, love for their country and hygiene.

On the pastoral level, the Don Bosco Youth Centre in Damala does a great job entertaining and listening to young people. They organize trips, holiday games, sports tournaments, dance competitions, theatre, music, drama, and poetry on themes of peace, reconciliation and respect for life.

On Monday 7 September, in the context of socio-cultural activities, the children enjoyed a big festival. On Saturday 12 September they took part in a sports competition called "Yes to peace, never again take up arms." It is the best way for us to reward them. Soon we will organize competitions for them in traditional dance and theatre, on the theme "never again".

In October, more than 120 children have been rescued from the hands of the rebel leaders. They have been identified by the special department of Caritas and the Ministry of Social Affairs and will be brought again to the Don Bosco Centre for education and integration into society. We have already prepared to accommodate them.

In short, the boys and girls are very happy and continue their training with interest, hoping that others will join them.

Published 20/11/2015

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