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5/11/2015 - India - South Asia Don Bosco Communications General Assembly in Goa
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(ANS – Panjim) – The South Asia Don Bosco Communications (BOSCOM) General Assembly began today, 5th November, at Don Bosco Panjim. The convention will run from 5-8 November 2015 with over 35 participants comprising youth, media professionals and Salesians of Don Bosco. It will focus on Social Media and Family Values. 

By Fr Joaquim Fernandes, sdb

The inaugural function witnessed the lighting of the lamp and floral tributes with a sprightly Brazilian Portuguese dance. Welcoming the participants, Fr Godfrey D’Souza - Salesian Provincial Mumbai and South Asia Provincial Delegate for BOSCOM – said: “All of us to a certain extent are gadget freaks connected via the various social media, but we aren’t aware that the biggest engaging footprint on Facebook is JesusDaily! ... it is time we Salesians offered the young a Web playground engaging with and accompanying them.”

Fr Ian Figueiredo, Salesian Provincial Goa, welcomed the participants to this serious forum extending the characteristic coastal hospitality of Goa. Speaking on the occasion, His Excellency Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao, Patriarch of the East Indies and Archbishop of Goa and Daman, said: “The Church, especially in Vatican Council II, considered the importance of the media and discussed its influence in Inter Mirifica.  I wish to thank the Salesians for the commendable work they are already doing and wish them the very best as they discuss future possibilities during these days.”

Among those present in the assembly were the Councillor General for Social Communications, Fr Filiberto Gonzalez and Bro. Ephrem Santos SDB from the same department, along with young social media enthusiasts and professionals from varied fields including psychologists, policymakers, health specialists and journalists.

The topics scheduled are “Social Media and its Potential for Creating Local Content,” “Social Media and Family Values - Issues and Challenges,” “Families Today - Urban and Rural India,” and the “Role of Media for Social Development.”

Published 05/11/2015

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