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4/11/2015 - Great Britain - Building new bridges in Battersea

(ANS – London) – St John Bosco College has now opened its doors just five minutes from Sacred Heart Battersea, the Salesian temple in the British capital city. And pretty soon, the Salesian community will move to the exact site of its predecessor - Surrey House. Following the model of Don Bosco's foundation in Valdocco, the three areas - the school, the parish centre, and the Salesian community - will gain strength from being so close in terms of space.

by Cristiana Ferrauti

Under the name 'Building New Bridges in Battersea', there is the real dream of the priest of youth: to be among the people, and to provide the best environment for the young to play, to learn, to pray. With this project, the Salesians aim indeed to build a new relationship with the people in Battersea.

Completed at the end of September this year, St John Bosco College opened its doors in Battersea, ready to welcome up to 1300 students.

On 17October, the Parish community was invited to enter the premises and meet the young people. Fr Thomas Williams SDB, Rector of the Salesian Community in Battersea, welcomed all in the Auditorium and officially greeted everyone from his new appointment in Battersea. He then called the three young people from the Parish who prepared games for the children. The young people moved afterwards to the large gym to test the new equipment.

In the Auditorium, Fr John Dickson SDB took people back to the origins of the Sacred Heart Church. It all started thanks to a donation by the Countess de Stacpoole in 1874. The iron church was built in Trott Street. Fr Edward McKiernan and Fr Charles Macey were the first resident priests and, together with Bro. Rossaro, the first Salesians to arrive in London in 1887.

Fr Bonavia and Fr Rabagliati later replaced them. It was under the Salesians that the new Sacred Heart Church was built - instead of the iron building - in 1892. Cardinal Cagliero SDB consecrated the temple one year later.

Some students introduced the new school and its daily activities to the Saturday visitors. Fr Saju Mullasseril SDB - School Chaplain - prepared the guides for tours up and down the three-storey building and to the playground, DT laboratory, music studios, and the small chapel. The Sacred Heart Church is so close that celebrations for the whole school will take place there, the visitors walked from one room to another, through large corridors, yellow stairs, and glass doors.

A smell of new furniture, tools, and walls, was in the air. And a wave of enthusiasm accompanied all the community members and the students as well.

Next stop: the inauguration of the new buildings on 13 November, obviously in Battersea, in the brand-new Don Bosco house.

Published 04/11/2015

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