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22/10/2015 - Vietnam - Bringing Christ to others through communication

(ANS - Dalat)– From 12 to 14 October, at the Don Rua post-novitiate in Dalat, there was a seminar for the promotion of communication skills. It was organized by the Commissions for Youth and Mass Media of the Deanery of Dalat. The seminar, the first of its kind to be held there, developed the theme: "Communication as a means of evangelization".

Fr Paul Huan, Vicar General of the diocese of Dalat, gave a speech that made a great impact on all present. "Seminars like this are an interesting initiative to meet the demands of the Church. Those engaged in the field of social communications must assume important responsibilities. They must be guided by an authentic spirituality and clear honesty. In addition, they should be open to all, to convey not only news, but peace and goodness, helping people to grow" said Fr Huan. He hoped that there would be other similar workshops in the future, at all levels: parishes, religious communities and youth groups. Then he concluded: "Communication is an important means of evangelization today."

The seminar was held over three evenings, each with a specific subject: "the goal of Christian communication"; "History of communication - types of magazines"; "The ability to write and photography techniques." Speakers included Mr Roco Le Huu Phuoc, Salesian Cooperator and journalist; Mr. Joseph Nguyen Ngoc Hiep, a member of the Committee on Communication from the diocese; and Father Joseph Nguyen Ngoc Lien, a diocesan priest.

The seminar was attended by over 100 people from different parishes, groups of young students and members of religious communities. They all had a common vision: to bring Christ to others through communication.

Published 22/10/2015

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