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19/10/2015 - RMG - Mission Sunday: Statistics of the Catholic Church in 2015

(ANS - Rome) - On the occasion of World Mission Day, which was celebrated yesterday, Sunday 18 October, Fides presented some statistics that offer an overall picture of the Church in the world. Here are some data – as of 31 December 2013 - concerning the global presence of the Church.

At year end, out of a total world population of more than 7 billion, the number of Catholics is 1,253,926,000 (an increase of 25,305,000 over the previous year).

The total number of priests in the world increased by 1,035 from the previous year, reaching 415,348. Diocesan priests increased globally by 971 to a total of 280,532 while the number of religious priests increased by 64 units to a total of 134,816.

As a result, the number of people per priest increased by 180 to 13,752, and the number of Catholics per priest increased by 54 to 3,019.

In contrast to recent years, the number of male religious who are not priests has decreased by 61 to 55,253. There has also been a decrease in the number of female religious worldwide. Their number has fallen by 8,954 to a total of 693,575.

The ecclesiastical districts now number 2,989 which is eight more than in the previous year. The increase has been in Africa (+2), America (+1), Asia (+1), Europe (+3) and Oceania (+1).

Members of male secular institutes now total 712, with an overall decrease of 59 members. The members of female Secular Institutes decreased by 747 to a total of 23,955 members.

The number of lay missionaries in the world is 367,679 with an overall increase of 5,191 while the number of Catechists in the world decreased by 13,075 to a new total of 3,157,568.

The full report is available here.

Published 19/10/2015

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