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30/9/2015 - Dominican Republic - Past Pupils’ Congress in Bicentenary Year

(ANS - Santo Domingo) - On 27 September over 2,000 Past Pupils of Don Bosco and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians gathered in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to offer their homage to Don Bosco on the bicentenary of his birth.

Among those present were the Provincial of the Salesians of the Antilles, Fr Francisco Batista; Fr Juan Linares, Salesian Delegate for the Past Pupils and Sister Petra Elena Gonzalez, the FMA Delegate; the President of the Past Pupils of the FMA, Maria Isabel Pichardo; and the President of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco, Luis Ventura Llano.

The participants came from every part of the country where the Salesians and FMA are present. The programme included the sharing of the testimonies of six Past Pupils, who shared what it meant for them to have been trained in an educational centre of the Salesians or the FMA.

There were two symbols representing the theme for the day of celebration and reflection: a rock of salt and a lit candle. The past pupils undertook to be every day "light and salt of the world" - in the family, in the Salesian Family, in the Church and in society.

They made three commitments - to become a leaven of the whole mass, to grow in personal identity and membership, and to create and strengthen local unions in Salesian houses. They also resolved to try to get the National Federation acknowledged as an institution in Church and society recognized for its social commitment.

To achieve the proposed targets a plan will be drawn up for ongoing formation, an educational work will be started, and a cooperative will be established to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged. A building will be acquired to serve as a home and an office for the Past Pupils.

There are many past pupils who hold significant positions in society and in the Dominican government. They hold as a guiding star the words of Don Bosco: "Wherever you are, remember that you are the sons and daughters of Don Bosco".

Published 30/09/2015 

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