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4/6/2007 - Argentina - II National Assembly of the SYM
(ANS - La Plata) - Between 25 and 27 May in the city of La Plata the II National Assembly of the Salesian Youth Movement in Argentina was held.

The Assembly brought together representatves of the various different youth groups in the 5 Provinces of the Salesians and the 3 Provinces of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Argentina.

During the course of the meeting the young people were able to reflect on the progress made by the Movement  and to respond to the needs and the demands that the different Salesian youth groups saw as  the most urgent.

The National Plan for Youth Ministry called "A Map to travel by" was presented by two representatives of the SYM involved in the National Youth Ministry Committee and examined further during the meeting.

On Saturday evening the young people took part in a Prayer Vigil in preparation for the Solemnity of Pentecost, a celebration that gave particular significance to the Assembly.

During the Assembly there were also elections for the new representatives of the Salesian Youth Movement on the National Youth Ministry Committee: Mercedes Batxos from the Buenos Aires Province (ABA) and Julieta Segua, from the Bahía Blanca Province (ABB) were elected.

Published 04/06/2007

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