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7/9/2015 - Colombia - Fraternal Message of the Bishops of Colombia and Venezuela

(ANS – Bogotà) - "For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility and enmity (...) to make in himself, of the two, one new man."(Eph 2, 14-15); This is the opening sentence of the message sent on 3 September by the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences of Colombia and Venezuela. Pope Francis made reference to it after the Angelus yesterday 6 September. Below are some excerpts from the message.

We are aware of the serious problems existing in the border area shared by our two countries: networks of organized crime, human trafficking, illegal groups, drug trafficking, smuggling, corruption, public and private. Neither these serious problems, which stem from economic, political and social roots, nor their moral consequences, can be resolved by force.

All the communities of the two countries are concerned about the measures taken by the Government of Venezuela and their consequences: the declaration of a state of emergency in the border areas, mass expulsions, separation of families, loss of housing and repercussions on the economic and social life of the region. Unfortunately, as often happens, these measures have hit the poorest and most vulnerable both in Colombia and in Venezuela.

In order to solve this terrible situation, the Presidency of the Episcopal Conferences of Colombia and Venezuela asks publicly and explicitly that the presidents of both countries meet for dialogue that will lead to concrete long-term commitments. This dialogue is urgent and must be ongoing. The primary objective of this meeting is to reaffirm the value of having a living frontier where it is clear that there is integration and generation of integral development for the two peoples (...).

We urge the international community to monitor closely this situation of crisis and to cooperate for a fair and appropriate solution, and for the defence of the human rights of all. We ask our brothers from Colombia and Venezuela to realize that the problem is not limited to the inhabitants of the border areas, but concerns and involves all citizens.

After the Angelus yesterday Pope Francis highlighted the importance of the meeting between Cardinal Ruben Salazar Gomez, Archbishop of Bogota, Primate of Colombia and President of CELAM; Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga, of Tunja and president of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia; and Archbishop Diego Rafael Padrón Sanchez of Cumaná and President of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference. He added: "I see in this meeting a clear sign of hope. I invite everyone, especially the beloved people of Venezuela and Colombia, to pray that, with a spirit of solidarity and brotherhood, we can overcome the current difficulties. "

The full message is available on the website of the Colombian Episcopal Conference.

Published 07/09/2015

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