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1/9/2015 - Myanmar - The Salesians continue to offer assistance

(ANS - Yangon)- Fr Charles Saw, Superior of the Vice-Province of Myanmar, has sent ANS an update on the situation of the population affected by the floods.

In the first phase, help and support were brought to the affected areas of Myit Kyi Na (Kachin State), Kalay and Neighbouring villages (Chin State), Hinthada and Thone Se (Yangon Archdiocese). The Salesians, together with past pupils and volunteers, split up into three groups, trying to reach the most remote villages in four dioceses (Myit Kyi Na, Kalay, Mandalay and Yangon). Food, medicine, water and other basic necessities were distributed. Women and children were rescued by boat and taken to the local church and school buildings where they were looked after for several weeks. More than sixty villages have been reached and have received aid.

In the second phase, the flood victims are being given supplies and medicine and taken back to their homes whenever possible. This phase has just begun. Their crops have been destroyed so they will not have food for the coming year. 

Now our focus in this second phase is on clearing mud and debris from the buildings and streets, helping people to restore their houses, distributing food and water, helping to restore their livelihood and giving assistance to school children. Unfortunately, in some areas there have been more very heavy rainfalls that have caused landslides. On 28 August, two villages near Kalay were swept away.

The rain hit a vast area and the intervention that would be required goes far beyond our capabilities. An estimated 1.7 million people are in need of assistance. At first we tried to reach as many people as possible but now we believe it is better to focus on a smaller number so as to ensure the effectiveness of our service.

There are still many villages where aid has not reached. Some inhabitants of remote villages had to walk for ten days in search of help. In the state of Chin, there have been several landslides, and in the capital Hakha four of the five districts have been declared as high risk. 10,000 houses have collapsed. 143,000 people were affected and their fate depends on national and international aid.  So far there has been great solidarity through the collection of materials, fundraising, and distribution of essential goods.

The Church is involved in the rescue operation. It has distributed more than 1,000 bags of rice. Six dioceses have been affected and sixteen offices of Caritas in the country are already operational and are working actively. The Salesians have organized an army of more than 125 young people who are helping poor people to clean their houses from mud and repair the damage. This has allowed some of them to return to their homes.

Published 01/09/2015

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