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21/8/2015 - RMG - A Jersey for my small guardian Angel “Messi”

(ANS – Rome) – I have been in Africa for 20 days now, and I can undoubtedly say that this is my greatest training for life. I was places, met people who are really changing my way of looking at life. One of the protagonists of this incredible journey is a child called Messi, around ten years old. Actually he himself is not aware of this.

The testimony of a young missionary volunteer in Africa.

By Nicola Tocco

Obviously, Messi is not his real name, but everybody calls him like this because of the only jersey he wears, with the name of the Argentinian star. Messi is a shy and reserved, an attentive and selfless child. He is always with us, he follows us wherever we go, showing us the right way.            

A few days ago we went on a tiring excursion up a hill close to the centre that is hosting us and Messi was there: he was with us, he helped us in our climbing and spurred us. At a given time we reach the top of the hill from which, out of nowhere begins, the market of Soddo (Ethiopia): a multitude of vendors, a great range of people. Our arrival arouses amazement and curiosity and in a few minutes we are surrounded by children and boys who want to take photos with us, shake hands and ask our names.

Entranced by this human warmth, I linger some time, and because of the falling darkness I lose contact with the rest of the group; I look around and do not see anybody, I look again and do not find them until, just when I was beginning to feel afraid, out of nowhere comes Messi, takes me by the hand, guides me out of the crowd and leads me to my companions. From that moment he does not leave me, thus becoming a small guardian angel.

Messi never asked us anything in return, neither a present nor some clothing, as often other children naturally do when they meet us. He kept an unusual composure and dignity for a child his age.

To thank him, the next day we gave him a jersey I had in my suitcase and, by chance, this had the name of his favourite football player. Now I cannot describe to you how his face changed, how his eyes expressed gratitude and a sense of happiness I had never seen in 27 years.

I have been in Ethiopia for three weeks now and I have not understood anything yet of this land. The less they have, the more they smile, the less food they have, the more they find the strength to sing and dance in the streets, the dirtier they are, the more careful they are that you be always tidy and properly dressed. There is something that tells me that probably what we – more “evolved” – believe in, is not after all so true; many of the prejudices that, whether we like it or not, characterize our lives are gradually breaking up and falling apart. As I listen, know, experience and put myself at stake, I thank Messi and his eyes and pray to God that He give him the future he deserves.

Published 21/08/2015

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