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19/8/2015 - Spain - “In the midst of calamities, we reassert our commitment to the poor”

(ANS – Madrid) –Syria, Central African Republic, Myanmar, Nepal, Sierra Leone… these are some of the countries where Salesian missionaries work giving all their support to the neediest people. Shelter, food, psychological assistance, spiritual support, education, protection… are the activities done by the missionaries despite the danger for their health and their life. Because of all this, today, August 19th, we join in the celebration of the Humanitarian Assistance Day.

Over 450.000 people have been assisted since the beginning of the year. Over 100.00 people in Nepal received emergency aid in the first weeks after the devastating quakes.

“In the midst of calamities, we Salesian missionaries reassert our commitment to work with the poorest and neediest people”, explains Ubaldino Andrade, a missionary who works in Sierra Leone and who faced Ebola and its terrible consequences in this African country, with minors who have become orphans because of the epidemics and who, in many cases, defeated the virus.

The outbreak of Ebolaepidemics, the earthquake (terremoto) in Nepal and the floods (inondazioni) in Myanmarare three examples, during this last year, where Salesian missionaries worked and continue to work, despite the risk for their health and integrity. In Nepal alone, 100.000 people were assisted by the Salesian missionaries. Had it not been for them, thousand of people would have remained without any help.

Violence and bombs did not dissuade the Salesian missionaries from their work with those who are more in need. Yemen, Syrian, South Sudan and the Central African Republic are conflicts where they are present and try to help every day. “We live a conflict that originates from the interests of few, not for freedom or democracy. A conflict that has become a big game in which civilians, children and the young pay the consequences. We Salesian missionaries have decided to remain with them, despite violence and difficulties”. These are the words of Fr. Munir El Rai, Provincial of the Salesians in the Middle East.

In front of a natural disaster or of a conflict, Misiones Salesianas, with Salesian missionaries, takes one step forward and works to assist the persons who suffer more. Because of this today, August 19th, we join in celebrating the Humanitarian Assistance Day. A day on which we remember the important work that is being done by thousands of people in the five continents, putting their lives at risk to assist people who lost everything, who are persecuted and who find themselves in desperate situations.

Source:Misiones Salesianas

Published 19/08/2015

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