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18/8/2015 - RMG - Message from the Seventh Congress of Mary Help of Christians
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(ANS – ROME) –One of the concluding events of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco’s birth was the celebration of the Seventh International Congress of Mary Help of Christians, a meeting of the Salesian Family, with the participation of more than 1300 people, coming from 50 different countries, which took place in Colle Don Bosco from August 6th to 9th. We asked a few questions from Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni, the spiritual Animator of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), the group of the Salesian Family promoter of the event.

What was the atmosphere that characterized this meeting of the Salesian Family?

Under the perspective of the motto of the Congress “Hic domus mea, inde Gloria mea. From the house of Mary to our Houses”, we experienced the wind of the Holy Spirit that blows from the House of Mary and renews our houses and religious communities; in the irrepressible joy of the participants; in the gratitude of those who in different ways collaborated in the preparation and the success of the congress as a sign of the authentic devotion to Mary; in the truth and power of prayer; in the in the richness of the contents presented in the papers, in the witness of the lives of saints, in the strong and touching life experiences; in the homilies of Eucharistic celebrations; in the beauty and diligence of hymns and prayer; in the joy of fraternity and friendship; in the presence of all age ranges, from the new-born to the elderly, to recall how God’s mercy extends from generation to generation. This really was a miracle of Mary Help of Christians!

What is the message that originates from the Congress?

The message of the Congress that is now entrusted to the Salesian Family in its various and manifold groups is: living the preventive system which is a spirituality, a pedagogy and a style of relationship in the family and in religious communities; growing in complementarity and collaboration between the call to married life and the call to religious, priestly and missionary life; experiencing that a true ministry of the youth originates and grows in welcoming and collaborating with the ministry of the family.


Is the International Congress of Mary Help of Christians an event of the Salesian Family?

From the Congress of 2001 that was celebrated in Czestochowa in Poland, the Rector Major of the time wanted that this event become a meeting of all the Salesian Family, which in entrusting themselves to Mary Help of Christians find one of the fundamental points of their spiritual and apostolic identity. The Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, confirmed this choice, and because of this I wish to express particular thanks to him for his continuous and paternal presence throughout the days and moments of the Congress and for the guidelines he gave us; I also wish to thank all the Superiors and representatives of the Salesian Family who participated in this meeting.

How can we make the most of the Congress experience?

This central event of the Bicentenary of the birth of our Father Don Bosco has been perceived by all as a cenacle of intense spirituality and deep communion of the hearts. I would like to invite to make the best out of all the material of the Congress (Acts, videos, photos) that can be found in the website  www.congressomariaausiliatrice2015.organd to propose it in various contexts.

Let us pray to Mary Help of Christians, St. Joseph and Don Bosco that they intercede and give growth to the seeds of hope and novelty that have been sowed in our hearts during these wonderful days!

“Arrivederci” in Argentina in 2019, for the Eighth International Congress of Mary Help of Christians.


Published 18/08/2015


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