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17/8/2015 - Italy - SYM DON BOSCO 2015: Interview with Fr. Attard
Photo for the article -ITALY – SYM DON BOSCO 2015: INTERVIEW WITH FR. ATTARD

(ANS - Turin) –Now that the great appointment of the MGS global meeting is over, it is time to assess what remains of such an intense and crowded experience. This is done by Fr. Fabio Attard, who in his capacity as General Councillor for Salesian Youth Ministry was the final reference person of SYM DON BOSCO 2015

by Gian Francesco Romano

Memory, communion and mission. These are the three hinges on which turned the entire meeting, as expressions of the three stages on which the journey was framed: “like, with, for”. “If we have to sum up this experience, the meaning is: we relive what we have received, we consolidate it, and we have the joy and optimism to reach out and bring it to the other youth who are waiting for us”, comments the Salesian father.

Being a great expert of the youth, Fr. Attard was not surprised at the great response of the youth in front of the difficulties that occurred Saturday evening, when because of bad weather the planned vigil was cancelled. “The boys adjusted to the situation in an extraordinarily serene and joyful way (…). This is a typical attitude of the youth, who when they perceive the sincerity of the adults that accompany them, respond 10 times as much with their generosity and their availability”.

Now the challenge is not to disperse the beauty and grace that have been experienced: “I see these great events as a pit-stop. (…) We look at our motivations, our roots, we look at what the Lord is asking of us today… let’s fill up with gasoline, with energy, let’s charge our batteries so as to be able to continue what St. Paul called “the battle of faith”.

The full text of the interview with Fr. Attard is available on YouTube channel of AnsChannel.   

Published 17/08/2015

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