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17/8/2015 - Italy - “You are fabulous. The whole world must know that the Salesian Youth are fabulous!”
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(ANS – Castelnuovo Don Bosco) –“You have been fabulous! The whole world must know that the Salesian Youth are fabulous!”. This is one of the sentences addressed to the young by the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, during the Eucharist that concluded the celebrations of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco’s birth and in which over 10.000 people coming from all over the world participated.

The Mass was presided over by Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime and was concelebrated by the Archbishop of Turin, Msgr Cesare Nosiglia, by Fr. Pascual Chávez, Rector Major Emeritus and by about 400 priests, on a stage of 200 square meters and 10 meters’ height, that had been prepared for the occasion. The event was animated by 200 choristers and a 50-instruments orchestra. Around 10.000 people coming from all over the world participated in the event, many of whom had also participated in sym don Bosco 2015. Local authorities were also present.

The Rector Major concluded his homily saying, “We are the heirs with a great responsibility on our shoulders, but especially with a burning fire deep in our hearts: our passion to live, as the Holy Father willed to entitle his letter: Like Don Bosco, with the Young and for the Young”.

At the end of the Holy Mass, the faithful could listen to the prayer of the Angelus recited by the Holy Father, in which Pope Francis greeted the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement: “I send a special greeting to the numerous young people of the Salesian Youth Movement, gathered in Turin, in the holy places of St. John Bosco to celebrate the Bicentenary of his birth. I encourage them – he added – to live in their daily life the joy of the Gospel, to give birth to hope to the world”.

The event was concluded with a packed lunch for the youth.

Published 17/08/2015


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