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14/8/2015 - Nepal - Visit of Fr. Basañes and Update
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(ANS - Kathmandu) –Fr. Guillermo Basañes, General Councillor for the Missions, paid an animation visit in Nepal from July 26th to 30th, and was accompanied by Fr. George Menamparampil, SDB. During the visit, various possibilities were assessed, among which, the creation of formation programs for women, to give them the competence and instruments to lead a dignified life, build up a closer collaboration with the FMAs, and realize other programs for men and women in the villages and for the young in schools.

Fr. George Manamparampil, who is in charge of the Salesian Missionary Procure of New Delhi, and “Bosconet”, which is part of the Salesian team involved in the after-quake work in Nepal, recount:

We are completing a program for 160 students of the 10th grade, nearly all coming from the quake-stricken villages, whose families have lost everything, or for children with other problems that prevent them from concentrating on their studies. These students are studying for public exams, which are very important because the result will determine the type of Secondary School to which they will be admitted. In order to increase their possibilities, we provided support for preparation and study supervision. This is done in collaboration with an NGO, Teach for Nepal, that sent 40 volunteers to implement the entire program. We only had to provide the infrastructure and create an academic environment.

Salesians did animation activities for these students, to make them acquainted with Don Bosco and his values. Fr. Basañes celebrated with them the Bicentenary of Don Bosco’s birth, in which children and students attending evening classes also took part.

We completed or are about to complete 21 provisional structures for study and for the school. All of these are in our neighborhood. In a recent assessment meeting with the government officers and NGOs, it was acknowledged that the best provisional teaching centres have been built by the Salesians, and apparently they might continue to be used as permanent buildings of the school.

We distributed construction material, especially for roofs, in other areas.

The formation of youth in skills of construction, carpentry, welding, electric wiring, masonry, plumbing and prefabs has already commenced and will rapidly proceed. They are 160 students, in classes of 10 students each and with 40 volunteers.

Published 14/08/2015

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