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12/8/2015 - Italy - Fr. Mauro Mantovani is the New Rector of UPS

(ANS – Rome) – Professor Fr. Mauro Mantovani, SDB, Dean-Head of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, has been appointed Rector of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) for the triennium 2015-2018.

The Decrees of the Congregation for Catholic Education dated July 16th and of the Great Chancellor of UPS, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, dated June 27th, have formalized the nomination of Fr. Mantovani, done last March by the ballots of the Academic Senate and the teaching staff.

Born in Moncalieri (Turin) on January 3rd, 1966, since April 24th, 2006 he is the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. He obtained a Ph.D. (both pontifical and civil)

In Philosophy at the University of Salamanca (Spain) with a thesis on the comments of the so-called “First School of Salamanca” on q. 2 of the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas. In Italy he completed his philosophical studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Salesian Pontifical University, where in 1997 he also obtained an M.A. in Dogmatic Theology. Since July 31st, 2007, he is full professor of the Chair of Philosophy of the Transcendent Being. From 2012 to date he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences.

Published 12/08/2015

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