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6/8/2015 - Italy - Theatre, Witnesses, Circus and Exhibitions in CASA DON BOSCO at EXPO Milan 2015
Photograph available in Image Bank

(ANS – Milan) – In CASA DON BOSCO, the week entitled “The Didactics of ‘Other’ Languages with Theatre and Computer” opened on Tuesday, July 28th, under the guidance of Sr. Caterina Cangià, FMA. This is a six-day course aiming at narrating the potentialities of theatre in learning foreign languages and the success of the experiment of the Association “La Bottega d’Europa” (The Workshop of Europe).

The method adopted by “La Bottega d’Europa” allows the development of imagination through the attainment of fluency and accuracy in speech and the collimation of learning a new language with the discovery of a new means of communication to utilize in one’s relationship with others. During the six days, witnesses were given by some youth who had followed the course and who could put into practice what they had learnt, through shows and performances.

On Tuesday 4th there was the conclusion of the event “Feeding the World”, which had started the day before with the vital force of the Volunteers of Don Bosco (VDB) and of the Volunteers With Don Bosco (CDB). These were two days of witness and sharing in which some representatives of the Secular Institutes of Consecrated Lay People of the Salesian Family took part. With the support of audio-visual and printed material they illustrated the activity they carry on every day with discretion, with the target of improving the world and contributing to its positive transformation from within.

On Monday, August 10th, a big feast will be celebrated in the playground of CASA DON BOSCO: the main role will be held by the Circus for the Youth “Birichino” (Rascal), of Don Bosco Haus in Chemnitz, Germany, that together with the Barabba’s Clowns of Arese, will perform two shows – one in the morning and one in the afternoon – in which acrobatics, juggling and clowneries will join to introduce in a particular way the life and pedagogy of Don Bosco, in an atmosphere of entertainment and internationality.

Besides, from August 11th to 17th,CASA DON BOSCO will host the photographic-informative exhibition “A Hospital in Savannah”, prepared by the Tonjproject Association, and which is meant to make visitors acquainted with the work done and the on-going projects implemented in South Sudan.

Published on 06/08/2015

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