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5/8/2015 - China - The “Rock” and “Road” of Don Bosco Education
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(ANS – Macau) – Near the day of Bicentenary Birthday of Don Bosco, China Province, Macau Region held a 3 days seminar of Preventive System in Centro de Formação Juvenil Dom Bosco in Coloane, Macau with the name “ The “Rock” and “Road” of Don Bosco Education. The word “Rock” and “Road” here is not talking about the music in the seminar, but it is the same pronunciation in Cantonese “Happiness” and “Way” of Don Bosco Education.

The seminar invited four different keynote speakers from the Salesian Family, to help almost 150 participants from Hong Kong and Macau to have a profound study of Preventive System of Don Bosco Education.

In the opening ceremony of the seminar, the pastor of Macau Diosces Bishop Jospeh Lai lead the prayer and bless the participants with the prayer to Don Bosco. Then, Sr. Maria Ko, FMA gave two speeches on the Biblical perspective of Preventive System, showing the human dignity and the love of God to man. It made participants understand why young people are so precious in Don Bosco.

In the second day morning, the Secretary of Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Archbisop Savio Hon, celebrated the Holy Mass with the participants. During the day, he gave two speeches on the Theological perspective, the Spirituality of Don Bosco Education and inculturation in China with the reference of Celso Benigno Luigi Cardinal Costantini.

Fr. Domingos Leong, SDB on the third day morning gave his speech on how Don Bosco was being accompanied in his life and how it affected his spiritual accompaniment with the young people afterward.

After all the above profound study, Fr. Savio Yeung, SDB shared the reflection and experiences of how Preventive System should be practiced in today’s technology and information era, that family is being most affected.

In the 3 days seminar, there are always four different small workshops which are held simultaneously after each keynote speech, so that participants can choose their way to have a deep reflection of the speech, they are : 1. Open Forum with the speaker on the stage, 2. Art Work DIY, 3. Silent and Solo reflection and 4. Group Active Reviewing gathering.

Since some of the participants came together with their children, Centro de Formação Juvenil Dom Bosco has tailor made a special programme for the children, so that they can also participate the seminar in their suitable way.

Published 05/08/2015


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