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30/7/2015 - Italy - Life in Casa Don Bosco Expo 2015
Photo for the article -ITALY - LIFE IN CASA DON BOSCO EXPO 2015

(ANS - Milan)– In these last days of July. Casa Don Bosco is hosting many events in the pavilion dedicated to the Salesian Family.

On Thursday 23 July there was the meeting entitled "We cherish sport! Female Sport” organized by PGS (the Salesian Youth Sports Association).  There were four women protagonists on the stage of Casa Don Bosco, experts in technical sporting events. During the meeting much was said about the primary role of the coach in the technical and spiritual aspects of youth sports, with an emphasis on the benefits and added value where this role is played by a female figure.

On Friday 24 July at the Pavilion, there was an event called "Educating young people to preserve their cultural heritage. Don Bosco joins Sant'Efisio", organized by the Past Pupils of Cagliari. During the conference they retraced the main stages of the Salesian presence in Sardinia, emphasizing the active role played by the Salesians of Stampace, one of the poorest areas of the city of Cagliari. Every year they celebrate the feast of Saint Efisio, an important anniversary for the entire region that is strongly linked to the presence of the Salesian Family in the island. The event was attended by numerous guests and representatives of institutions. 

On Saturday 25 July, Cascina Triulza hosted the first part of the National Meeting of the Past Pupils which continued the next day, Sunday 26 July, at Casa Don Bosco. This event was organized to show the role of the Past Pupils in the protection and safeguarding of creation.

Also on Saturday 25 July there was an exhibition "Joy and energy for life ... joy of living and healthy eating," designed to reinforce the message of Don Bosco who said that young people must be nourished with joy and happiness if they are to feel good both physically and psychologically.

On Tuesday 28 July the Youth Tourism Association launched an event called "The teaching of other languages through theatre and computer", an initiative which will run until August 2. The series of meetings began yesterday with a speech aimed at exploring the potential of the musical theatre in the process of learning foreign languages.

On Wednesday 29 July from 19.00 to 21.00 in a programme called "Volunteers @ Expo: same place, many stories," Casa Don Bosco was filled with energy and enthusiasm from many volunteers coming from different backgrounds who held a constructive debate on the issue.

Published 30/07/2015

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