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23/7/2015 - Italy - EXPO2015: education and food, energy for life
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(ANS - Milan)- The rich festival of events designed to disseminate the principles of the Salesian educational method continues in the CASA DON BOSCO at Expo Milano 2015

On Friday 17 July there was a meeting entitled Education in Motion. Educating with new educators - IAA, Interventions Assisted by Animals, organized by IUSTO, the Salesian University at Rebaudengo in Turin in collaboration with ASSEA. The meeting addressed the implications of the use of pet therapy in schools, health and social services, focusing also on concrete clinical data.

On the same day the teachers of IUSTO elaborated on a further topic under the heading Education in Motion: The guidance process, new tools for students with Specific Learning Disorders.

Today, Thursday 23 July, a further meeting is scheduled on the topic: We love sport! And we play as a team for a better future. During the meeting members of the International Council of Salesian Youth Sports will present some Salesian experiences related to the world of sport in Europe.

Tomorrow afternoon there will be yet another event called Educating young people in preserving cultural heritage. Don Bosco and Sant'Efisio. It will be presentedby the Salesian Family of Cagliari which, since its inception, has become widely known in the Sardinian city, providing practical support in the field of education through schools and sports clubs, especially in Stampace, one of the poorest parts of the city.

On Saturday 25 July the programme is called Joy, the energy of life ... the joy of living and healthy eating which will be accompanied by a report on a case study carried out in Andria.

Also on Saturday, Cascina Triulza will host the first day of the National Meeting of Past Pupils planned to draw attention to the role that past pupils have for the protection and safeguarding of creation. This event will conclude on Sunday at CASA DON BOSCO.

On Monday 27 July there will be a presentation on the teaching of foreign languages through theatre and the computer. The focus will be on the theoretical principles behind the methodology of the Youth Tourism Association.

Finally, on Wednesday 29 July there will be a further meeting on Volunteers @ Expo: same place, many stories: reflection on the different experiences of volunteers at EXPO and in their countries of origin.

Published 23/07/2015

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