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21/7/2015 - India - Sad demise of Fr Myladoor Thomas and Fr Madlemuthu Arulappa

(ANS – Bangalore) – With sentiments of deep sorrow, the Salesians of the Province of Bangalore have announced the passing away of Father Myladoor Thomas, SDB, (aged 82) and of Father Madlemuthu Arulappa, SBD, (aged 38). Both the Salesians died in a tragic Road Accident on 18 July 2015 at Ajjanahalli (Ramanagara District).

The two fathers together with four brothers were going back to their community at Tumkur after a tri-monthly recollection at Don Bosco Ajjanahalli. A kilometre away from Don Bosco Ajjanahalli their vehicle skidded and fell into a ditch. The priest who was driving the vehicle and the four brothers escaped unhurt. Father Thomas Myladoor died on the spot while Father Arulappa was declared dead at the hospital.

The Funeral Mass was held at St. Antony’s Church, TC Palya, Bangalore, at 3.00 p.m. on 20 July 2015. Archbishop Bernard Moras presided and the Mass was attended by an ocean of people of all walks of life who had come to pay their last respects to their beloved dear departed

Father Joyce, the provincial of Bangalore, and over 200 priests concelebrated. After the mass at the parish church, the mortal remains were taken to the Kristu Jyoti College cemetery for the final prayers and burial.

After the Mass, messages were read from the Rector Major, the Regional Councillor, and Archbishop Cardinal George Alencherry. Father Joyce, Father Vincent Durariraj (former provincial of Chennai), Father Tomy (Rector of Tumkur), Sister Angel CMC (younger sister of Father Myladoor), and the sister of Father Arulappa spoke on the occasion.

The Salesians highlighted the achievements and administrative ability of Father Myladoor and the dynamic and motivating presence of Father Arulapppa. The sisters of Father Myladoor and Father Arulappa, thanked the Salesian Congregation profusely for bringing them up as great Salesian priests.

“It was indeed a blessing of God that these two great Salesians received their eternal reward after the exercise for happy death”, the Rector Major said in his message.

Published 21/07/2015

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