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20/7/2015 - Mexico - Salesian Pastoral Educational Planning for the Laity
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(ANS - Puebla)- The annual meeting of the middle-level coordinators of the five departments of the educational centres of the Province of Mexico-México took place on 9-10 July 2015 at the Institute Juan Ponce de León in Puebla. Of the 126 participants, 26 were awarded the diploma for completeing the 1st and 2nd year of the online course "Initial training for managers of the Salesian schools in America", coordinated by the Department for Youth Ministry.

Fr Hector Ugarte Sandoval, SDB

Among those present were representatives of the schools for the Cecachi (State of Oaxaca) and at San Cristobal de las Casas (Chiapas State). The training part of the meeting, led by Fr Alejandro Rodriguez and Fr Victor P. Flota, covered the theme of preventive leadership.

The nature of these meetings is to promote opportunities for training, reflection and planning tactics, to apply in all schools run in accordance with Salesian policies and strategies.

To this end, it may be recalled that the whole Schools Sector is following a management model that focuses on three areas: planning, execution and monitoring. To carry out the educational project the Schools Sector develops training sessions at all levels in team work and management structures. All of this is coordinated by the Head of the School, in collaboration with the Strategic Council and the Technical Team to coordinate and plan the Educational Project of the Sector.

Finally, it should be remembered that, during this meeting there was also the official ceremony of award of diplomas to 26 administrators who have completed the 1st and 2nd year of the online course "Initial training for managers of the Salesian schools in America", coordinated by the Department of Education and Training for Youth Ministry, based in Rome, and the Secretary General of the International Office for Catholic Education, based in Brussels.

Published 20/07/2015  

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