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15/7/2015 - Morocco - "The man who gave his life for the young"

(ANS - Kenitra)On the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco, the Salesian school in Kenitra, Morocco, has published a book entitled "The man who gave his life for the young." It was written in Arabic by Mohamed Habhouh, a teacher of Arabic. It has been widely distributed and has been well received by parents, children and members of the school staff.

The man behind this initiative was Fr José Vega, Rector of the community of Kenitra. He comments: "Professor Habhoub’s book is an original work. It consists of short episodes and can be read by children and also by adults who want to learn about the educational principles of Don Bosco. We want this book to be known and used as a reference for living the spirit of Don Bosco in a cultural context very different from the one in which he lived. Thanks to Professor Habhoub for his love for Don Bosco and his interest in making him loved and appreciated in a Muslim environment."

Fr Vega also interviewed Professor Habhouh.

How long have you known Don Bosco?

I have been working at the Don Bosco School in Kenitra since 1990. Little by little I discovered Don Bosco, especially in recent years, thanks to the Salesians who organized conferences and meetings on the practice of his educational method.

What motivated you to write this book?

What struck me is the dialogue, his approach to children, his love for professional work and concern for all students, and the importance of education in all contexts ... For me, Don Bosco is an example of a true educator and a man of religion. I wish all religious people, whatever their religion, would take Don Bosco as their model.

You are an Arab and a Muslim. What is the contribution of Don Bosco to the education of Muslim children?

Love for God, dialogue, the presence of the educator, joy, tolerance, reliability and the Preventive System.

What is your advice to parents, fellow teachers and children?

Teachers - always love the children, come close to them to get to know them better and guide them. Parents – have confidence in the teachers and enter into dialogue with children as they do. Always have hope for the future of each one, and live the present with joy and optimism.

Published 15/07/2015

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