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9/7/2015 - Ecuador - The Pope’s meetings on education and on Consecrated Life
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(ANS - Quito) - On 7 and 8 July, during his visit to Ecuador, Pope Francis held two meetings: one with the world of culture and education, the other with the religious of the country. In the first he emphasized that "To educate is to give love and give life". In the second he asked everyone to make visible the gratuitousness of God’s gift: "every day you return to the free initiative by which God has chosen you."

At the first of the two events, Bishop Alfredo Espinoza Mateus, SDB of Loja who is also Chairman of the Episcopal Commission for Education and Culture, welcomed the Pope on behalf of all the priests and lay people who are involved in the educational sector in the country. Then he said: "As a Church we cannot stop educating and evangelizing, that is our commitment to build a better country."

In his speech Pope Francis stressed that "Jesus did not try to sermonize. On the contrary, he sought to get to the heart of man, in order to bear fruit ... The parable of the sower speaks about cultivating, cherishing  ... Today this invitation is imposed on us by force - not as a mere recommendation, but as a need that arises because of the evil we cause, due to irresponsible use and abuse of the goods that God has placed in our care. We grew up thinking we were owners and rulers. "

The next day, with the religious, the Pope stressed that the whole life of priests and brothers, nuns, deacons, religious in formation and bishops must reflect the gratuity of the gift they have received. "We owe a debt of gratitude to God, if we gradually forget this we begin to feel important, and slowly we move away from the gratuitousness of God."

Pope Francis also asked them to take care of their health, in particular to beware of falling into the dangerous disease of spiritual Alzheimer's.  “Do not lose your memory, especially the memory of where you were taken from".  He recalled a piece of advice: "do not forget the faith your grandmother and your mother had."

Finally he reaffirmed two principles to be followed daily: renew your gratitude for being chosen; do not lose your memory, do not feel important.

Saying farewell to the religious, the Holy Father asked them to pray for him, for he also runs the risk of getting spiritual Alzheimer's.

Published 09/07/2015    

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