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8/7/2015 - Ethiopia - A comprehensive water project

(ANS - Addis Ababa) - Since June 2011 Ethiopia has been plagued by a persistent drought that has damaged national agricultural production and contributed to an increase in malnutrition, especially among the most vulnerable members of the population. For this reason the Salesians intend to start a widespread project to build wells equipped with pumps, to provide access to safe drinking water for the people, and to improve sanitary conditions and increase agricultural production.

The Tigray region in northern Ethiopia is experiencing a situation of chronic food insecurity, made worse by recurring periods of drought, low soil fertility and an unsustainable use of natural resources.

Agriculture is the cornerstone of the survival of local communities, and the onset of drought has negative consequences on all aspects of family life.

Faced with this situation, the Don Bosco Missions in Turin have planned to implement a project in the Tigray region to build wells equipped with pumps each costing about 10,000 euro.

The plan guarantees the use of construction techniques compatible with the cultural traditions, practices and customs of the population, and the use of local materials. The project also provides for the establishment of village committees for the management of the wells and of the water-collection system, as well as appropriate training in sanitation for local communities.

Further information is available on the website of Don Bosco Missions.

Published 08/07/2015

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