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1/7/2015 - Italy - 50th anniversary of the Salesian Sports Movement at Borgo Don Bosco

(ANS - Rome) - A Conference took place yesterday 30 June to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Salesian Sports Movement at Borgo Don Bosco. It was held at the headquarters of the Italian Olympic Committee. This was a memorial but also an opportunity to talk about sports and the problems of marginalized areas.

It was a chance to go back over the reasons that bring sport to the centre of the education of young people, and to reflect on the educational heritage that makes Borgo Don Bosco a place that recognizes the central importance of the young.

Antonello Assogna, President of the Salesian Sports Movement, said "Sport is education in itself… Those who have played at domestic or international level continue to carry the memory of this experience in their hearts."

Giovanni Petrucci, Salesian Past Pupil and President of the Italian Basketball Federation recalled how "the work of the Salesians was hard, in the problem areas and often infamous areas of the city where the young people really had to fight hard." He concluded by saying: "You should be proud of belonging to this important association, which has shown it can overcome many difficulties."

Paolo Masini, commissioner for school and sport of the City of Rome, re-echoed the sentiments. "You represent a safe place in a difficult city. In the suburbs there is a fertile breeding ground for anti-social activity among the young, although many do not realize it. Places like the Borgo have the ability to rescue young people. "

"We really need places like this” - said Giammarco Palmieri, President of the Fifth Municipal Council – “where people meet and do a service to others, building community. The Borgo is a bastion that educates not only children, but also families."

Alfredo Trentalange, former international football referee, stressed that the Borgo "transmits those Christian values ​​that that should always accompany the life of an athlete and a sports manager."

Finally Giovanni Malago, President of the Italian Olympic Committee, encouraged Borgo to continue with their projects. Just yesterday a new one was announced: the construction of a gymnasium in Borgo so that the children of the territory can enjoy sport in all kinds of weather.  It will be built to the latest standards of environmental sustainability with the cooperation of Borgo and other institutions and business companies.

Published 01/07/2015

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