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21/6/2015 - Italy - Waiting for the Pope ... with the educators of the oratory

(ANS - Turin) - The Pope's visit to Valdocco has more than one meaning: it is not only an homage to Don Bosco and his Bicentennial, but also the recognition of an educational practice – that of the oratory - which is not exclusive for Salesians, but they are a gift for the whole Church. Because of this, among those eagerly awaiting the arrival of Pope Francis, there are also the educators and animators of oratories from all over Italy.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Gian Francesco Romano

They chose to symbolically conclude their General Assembly at Valdocco, to coincide with the Pope's visit and the “Happening of the Oratories and the Young".  They are the educators and leaders of youth ministry from the "Forum of Italian Oratories" (FOI), an entity established within the Italian Bishops' Conference to share and stimulate the oratorian educational system that is being practised by the different regions, other religious congregations and associations.

"We wanted to meet for 'networking' and develop synergies among the various oratories that are present and active in Italy, with an emphasis to help the smaller, younger or less developed ones- explains Micaela Castro, Head of Communications of FOI- We want to commemorate that the oratories are alive and still making a fundamental service to society."


The meeting with the Pope is seen as an opportunity to renew commitment to the educational service of the young. "This visit and this meeting talk about the importance of the oratories at the service of the Church; I believe that the presence of Pope Francis will serve to highlight the value of youth centers as part of both the transmission of values and of the service given to the community" confides Massimiliano, one of the leaders present.

"The very fact that it is held in Valdocco is significant. I'm curious to hear what the Pope will say in his address, because to say 'Valdocco' is to say 'oratory'!" adds Giovanni who among the leaders of the Centro Oratori Romani.

Among the younger participants are Lorenzo and Simone. They are teenagers, awaiting the visit of the Pope, to receive from him encouragement and hope. In the meantime, they are already satisfied for having participated in the meeting of the FOI, in which "all reality derives benefit from the experience of the others" and the visit they made yesterday to the Shroud. "It's something we will never forget, it has impressed us all. On leaving the Duomo, we were silent for a long time," they narrated.

Posted on 21/06/2015

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