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16/6/2015 - Slovakia - Business Platform Project

(ANS – Bratislava) – The Business Platform is one of the most successful projects of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco Association in Slovakia. A few years ago, a community of former pupils of Don Bosco was founded within the structure, which brings together entrepreneurs and company owners in our Association.

The objectives and the mission of the Business Platform are networking of its members, looking for cooperation opportunities, the possibility to make new business contacts, offering jobs and internships for graduates, helping the Salesian family and the financial support of social projects. This also caught the attention of foreign federations of former pupils of Don Bosco which are interested in founding platforms for entrepreneurs – past pupils around the world.

All past pupils who are registered in the Association and follow the basic moral values under the motto “an honest citizen and a good Christian“ in their business can become members. For our entrepreneurs, we provide advertising on the website and in the EXpress of Don Bosco magazine. Credibility and reliability of our entrepreneurs is also declared in the Code of Ethics.

The Business Platform also takes care of the education and growth of its members. This is done primarily at quarterly meetings, where eminent, predominantly Christian entrepreneurs, politicians, CEOs of large companies or economists with many years of experience in various areas present themselves. Discussions with them are a great inspiration and motivation for all involved. The program also includes joint brainstorming on current issues or challenges, developing business relationships and finding opportunities for assistance and networking. During the weekend meeting, our entrepreneurs can recover spiritually in the form of a retreat, confession or holy mass. We do not forget about sports and leisure program.

The Business Platform offers an opportunity and space to develop one's business, an opportunity to find clients, buyers and suppliers who share the same values in their work, and an opportunity to help not only each other but also the Salesian family. In the future, we plan to create an international platform of past pupils which will be a powerful entity symbolizing honest and high quality business.

Published 16/06/2015

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