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28/5/2015 - Haiti - Salesian Youth Centre in Fort Liberté rebuilt

(ANS – Fort Liberté) – In early 2010, shortly after the devastating earthquake that shook Haiti to its core, Salesian Missions resolved to raise funds for the construction of the Salesian Youth Centre at the Politechnique Don Bosco (aka DB Tech) in Fort Liberté. Five years later, that promise has been realized, thanks to the remarkable generosity of many friends.

First opened in 2002, the centre offered a broad range of formal and informal educational programmes for local youth. It housed agricultural, vocational/technical education school programmes, as well as radio/television stations. It also housed one of the country’s only nursing schools.

Recently, there was a dedication ceremony for the newly rebuilt and re-opened youth centre and dormitory complex. Fr. Mark Hyde, director of Salesian Missions, saw at first hand the tremendous difference this particular construction project has made in the lives of the Haitian people. He also saw how this project opened more doors of opportunities to enhance other programmes and services.

For instance, with the assistance of Salesian Mission Offices and NGOs around the world, Salesians in Fort Liberté have been able to expand and improve the facilities of the agricultural, nursing and vocational/technical schools, as well as to establish elementary, high school and teacher training (Ecole Normal) schools.

DB Tech has also installed a new water purification plant which provides some 1,200 plus students, faculty and staff with clean, fresh safe drinking water. The Salesians also make this water available to people in the surrounding community.

There are also plans to construct a health clinic on or near the campus, which will provide more than 160 nursing students with the practical training they need, without having to travel great distances.

Fr. Hyde also visited works in Cité Soleil, Fleuriot, Port-au-Prince, Gressier, Thorland and Cap Haitien. Additionally, the new Provincial Centre at Fleuriot now includes several large rooms that may be used for and rented out as conference space, providing much-needed income.

“The Provincial Centre is not only a simple beautiful structure,” says Fr. Mark, “but most importantly, a solid construction which now meets the standards for being earthquake-proof, which ensures that funding has been spent in a responsible, sustainable way.”

At Cité Soleil, another new purification plant will soon provide water to local, impoverished residents. And, in order to support the crucial demand, training opportunities in the field of clean water and sustainable systems design will be added to the curriculum offered by the nearby Salesian technical school.

In Port-au-Prince, the Salesian-run National School of Arts and Trades (ENAM) is up and operational after being completely destroyed.

In elementary, high school and technical training classrooms and adult literacy programmes in the Vice-Province of Philip Rinaldi, students have been eagerly pursuing knowledge and skills that will be crucial to Haiti’s rebirth.

“We could not have made such remarkable progress without the ongoing, and exceptional, generosity of our many friends,” concludes Fr. Mark. “On behalf of our Salesian missionaries on the ground - and the people of Haiti - I am very grateful.”

Published 28/05/2015

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