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28/5/2015 - Spain - Emergency Aid to Nepal enters second phase, with fear of Monsoons

(ANS - Madrid) - The thousands of people left homeless by the two powerful earthquakes that rocked Nepal on 25 April and 12 May are still in makeshift tents and are now preparing to face the monsoon season. The Salesians continue to assist them with food and plastic sheeting for temporary shelter, thanks to the solidarity of the Salesian Family worldwide.

The UN has estimated that the number of buildings destroyed by the first quake was about 160,000 homes and 1,383 schools, although the government of Nepal says that more than 300,000 homes were destroyed. The government promised to give every homeless family 15,000 rupees (135 euro) to buy corrugated sheeting to protect them from the weather, but many are still waiting to get the money.

Meanwhile, the Salesians in Nepal continue to go to the places where little aid has arrived, in order to serve the people most in need. "Salesian solidarity from all over the world is what keeps us going and enables us to remain close to the victims of the earthquakes," says one of the Salesians from the Don Bosco Relief Team.

Using small vans, the Salesians, teachers, students and volunteers have brought aid in the form of rice, lentils, salt, water and tarpaulin to inaccessible villages. 

The aftershocks are still frequent and, despite the arrival of the first rains, the people prefer to sleep outside rather than risk returning to damaged homes.

"Emergency rescue operations and the distribution of food, will conclude on Sunday 31 May, to make way for a second phase in which we will start to think about the relocation of families and the reconstruction of homes," says Fr Jijo John, SDB, coordinator of emergency relief by the Salesians in Nepal.

In Nepal they are beginning to notice the effects of the pre-monsoon weather and the monsoons should arrive in the next seven days. The tarpaulins and plastic tents now being used for shelter will not be enough.  For this reason the Don Bosco Relief Team intends to distribute corrugated metal sheets that give greater protection.

The same sheets can then be used as a permanent roof for the houses which will have to be constructed and completed before the onset of winter. In the coming days the various Salesian Mission Offices, foundations and non-governmental organizations of the Salesian Family will coordinate new remittances for this second phase of the emergency.

Published 28/05/2015

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