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23/5/2015 - Italy - Salesian Bishops in the footsteps of Don Bosco
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(ANS - Turin)- The morning of Saturday, May 23 for the Salesian Bishops was devoted to the return to the origins of the charism of the Founder and in particular, with the pilgrimage to Chieri, a visit to Becchi and finally a concelebrated Euchariest at Colle Don Bosco .

Gian Francesco Romano

As the climax of the meeting, on the third day of the programme, the Salesian Bishops have traced back the steps traversed by Don Bosco on the path of his human and spiritual growth.First stop in this journey was Chieri."If we were born as Salesians at Valdocco, it is Chieri that formed the vocation of Don Bosco" said Don Francesco Cereda, Vicar of the Rector Major in explaining the meaning of this journey.             

At the Cathedral of the Piedmont town, Don Aldo Giraudo, lecturer in Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical Salesian University, recalled the history of vocation of the young John Bosco.The Salesian Professor recalled the initial hesitation of Don Bosco in discerning his path;he recalled the historical ambience and the reality of the Church in those times, of the Archdiocese of Turin and of the seminaries of those years.Thus, outlining the route taken by Don Bosco at the seminary in Chieri, he underlined those formative years at the Seminary at Chieri as the foundation of Don Bosco which led him to abandon superficial things and to go on to grow more convincingly to the vocation of holiness."It's good for us Salesians to remember that Don Bosco was not born a saint," he concluded.

The path of journey then continued on to visit Becchi, the house where Don Bosco spent years of his childhood and adolescence;and tracing backwards into the life of the saint, the culmination of the pilgrimage could only rightly be at Colle Don Bosco, where a large basilica has arisen at the very place where the little Johnny was born to Francesco Bosco and Margherita Occhiena, little John.

Inside the church the Mass was presided over by Card.Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon.In his homily, the prelate spoke of the missionary desire that Don Bosco nurtured since his youth and how it was then realized through his Salesians."Don Bosco has arrived in Myanmar," the cardinal said, with reference to the arrival in 1939 of the first pioneers Salesians, led by Fr Antonio Alessi.

Card.Bo has also traced the history and difficulties of the Church in his country in recent decades, but had words of hope."The future is bright for the Catholic Church in Myanmar.We trust in the Lord who has protected us thus far.” And, concluding the celebration Cardinal expressed his hope: "May the pastoral thirst of Don Bosco be alive through each of us."

The celebration was then concluded with the traditional Salesian hymn in Italian "Giù dail colli” (From down from these hills).

Published on 23/05/2015


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