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15/5/2015 - Australia - Rector Major arrives in the country
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(ANS – Melbourne) – The tenth successor of St John Bosco and the Rector Majorof the Salesians, Fr Angel Artime SDB arrived Melbourne in the morning on 14th May. The Rector Major was accompanied by Fr Václav Klement, Regional Councillor for East Asia-Oceania; Australia and Pacific Provincial, Fr Greg Chambers; and Fr. Horacio López, Secretary of the Rector Major.

By Fr. Will Mathews

The Rector Major and the team were welcomed at Melbourne airport by a number of young people, students, many Salesians and a Salesian Sister. Fr. Ángel was then driven to the Salesian College and Community at Sunbury, the Mother House of the Province, by the Provincial. Later, he was welcomed by the Salesians and the students of the Salesian College in Sunbury at Salesian residence.

In the afternoon, the Salesian College students and staff welcomed Fr Ángel with a whole school assembly with some singings and presentations. The assembly was concluded with a Hymn to Don Bosco led by Sr Rochelle Lamb FMA. Following the assembly, Fr Ángel went among the students and staff giving them photo opportunities and greeting them in person.

An afternoon tea was served in the Salesian College Mansion after the school assembly for the Rector Major. He had a very sociable time with some students and staff of the college.

Later in the same afternoon, the Rector Major toured around the college before visiting the Salesian Cemetery in the college ground. He prayed for the Salesians of the past as well as the present Salesians of the province. While in the cemetery, he also thanked the lay collaborators of the Salesians. He particularly congratulated and thanked the first lay principal of the college, Mr Mark Brockhus, for his outstanding work in the college.

A special dinner was held in the Rupertswood mansion in the evening to welcome the Rector Major to the province. Many Salesians, Salesian Sisters, lay collaborators and young people were present. Fr Ángel managed to go around and greeted every individual person. During the dinner, Fr Chambers welcomed him once again into the province. Fr Ángel also spoke, translated by Fr Klement, to the gathering and thanked them for their collaboration and their hard work.

Published 15/05/2015

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