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4/5/2015 - Nepal - A report on the post-quake
Photo for the article -NEPAL – A REPORT ON THE POST-QUAKE
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(ANS – Kathmandu) – The “Don Bosco Relief Team” is working in full swing in ten villages of four districts of the 29 affected districts of Nepal. The Don Bosco Relief Team has already distributed food for five days and tarpaulins to more than 2350 families, during the first six days of emergency after theearthquake.

The “Don Bosco Relief Team” is addressing post-quake problems by providing shelter and food for the injured, and for those who are homeless.

Reports from the field:

1.   Food (rice, dal and other items) transported in a truck and a utility vehicle with was distributed to the people of Tulosilvari ward numbers One to Six in the Sindhupalchok, the most severely district with the death toll of 2071. Most of the houses were destroyed; the  Don Bosco team  provided tarpaulins to make tents.

2.   Another district, Gorkha, is being looked after ably by a congregation of women religious congregation with financial assistance from Don Bosco.

3.   In Kavre, a beautiful mountainous district, the quake took 286 lives and a large number of people are severely wounded.

4.   The families in the village of  Mamti, ward numbers Two to Five  are very severely hit; they were very grateful for the food and tarpaulins that we gave them.

5.   Two Don Bosco institutions are in Lalitpur district where a  number of houses collapsed and valuables were destroyed or buried under debris.  The relief team, with the help of teachers and villagers, is working with the local people who are highly traumatized.  In Lele, one of the villages in this district, ten kilometres from the Thecho Don Bosco Institute, all the houses (150 of them) were razed to the ground. The victims are left without food and shelter and our team is constantly in touch with them.

6.   In Khokna, bordering on Lele, over 200 houses collapsed. The relief team is supplying food and tarpaulins to the victims.  

7.   The people of Bhugmati village lost over 150 houses. All the victims have been given food for five days and tarpaulins to make temporary sheds. Lubhu is closer to Siddhipur village where Don Bosco Academic School is situated. There were two fatalities and many houses were completely destroyed.  We have distributed relief materials in ward numbers Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight in this village.  

8.   Over 92 families in villages of Bista Gaun, Gampe Dhada, Dhami Gaun and Dhada Gaun have lost their houses. Lache Bharamyani Ward number Six is another severely affected place in Lalitpur district where the team has provided food and shelter for 20 families.

The efforts of the Don Bosco Relief Team is much appreciated, valued and esteemed by the villagers as many of them have so far received no aid from any quarters other than from Don Bosco. During our daily evaluation and planning for each day many of our members have commented on the serenity of the victims in spite of the tragedy and their willingness to share what little they have with others.

Published 04/05/2015

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