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28/4/2015 - RMG - 25th Anniversary of the Beatification of Fr Philip Rinaldi

(ANS - Rome) - April 29 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the beatification of Fr Philip Rinaldi, third successor of Don Bosco, which took place in Rome, at St. Peter's Square, on 29 April 1990, by Pope St John Paul II.

On that occasion the Pope said of the newly beatified: "His vocation was born from a meeting with the apostle of youth, as a result of which he started on the road of religious and priestly formation. He emulated the virtues and spiritual characteristics of Don Bosco to the point that people called him the 'living image' of Don Bosco. He burned with love for the Church and promoted its renewed presence among peoples with a genuine missionary movement, even among the very young.

Well aware of the importance of the laity, he took care of their spiritual formation, following modern criteria. When he was director of a female oratory at the house of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Turin it became a centre of intense ecclesial vitality with religious, cultural, social and recreational associations. The fervent atmosphere of faith that flourished there gave rise to a group of 'consecrated life in the world', which has today become the recognised lay Institute of the 'Volunteers of Don Bosco'.

Fr Rinaldi was a particularly tireless promoter of the great Salesian Family, in its various groups, and worked to make it a strong, well organized and flexible agent for the Christian education of young people and the working classes. "

Born in 1856 in Lu Monferrato in the province of Alessandria, as a boy Philip Rinaldi attend the college of Mirabello where he got to know Don Bosco. He became a priest in 1882 and Master of Novices. Then he was sent to Spain where he became Provincial and contributed to the development of the Salesian presence in Spain and Portugal. As Vicar General of the Congregation he gave impetus to the Cooperators and to vocations ministry. He instituted the world federations of past pupils and was attentive to the world of work. He supported the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and understood well the role of the Zelatrici who later became the Volunteers of Don Bosco.

In 1922 he was elected third successor of Don Bosco. He died in Turin on 5 December 1931. He had the joy of seeing the beatification of Don Bosco on 2 June 1929.

Published 28/04/2015

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