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14/4/2015 - Italy - Fr Cereda in Sondrio, in tribute to Don Viganò

(ANS – Sondrio) – This past weekend Fr Francesco Cereda, Vicar of the Rector Major, went to Sondrio, to celebrate with the local Salesian Family the Bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco and to pay tribute to Fr Egidio Viganò, Seventh Successor of Don Bosco, 20 years after his death.

The first event on the programme, on Saturday 11 April, was the inauguration of the square named after Fr Egidio Vigano, born in Sondrio in 1920. In the presence of Fr Cereda, other Salesians, past pupils and benefactors of the work, a band from Fusine accompanied the floral tribute in memory of the Salesian from Sondrio.

After a short walk through the centre, Fr Cereda was accompanied by Fr Enzo of Cas, Rector of the Salesian Community in Sondrio, to the City Hall where he met the Mayor, Alcide Molteni. "For the city of Sondrio these two days are an honour,” said the First Citizen. “It is important to remember men like Don Bosco and Fr Egidio Vigano, who have realized their dream, and with great strength of will used all their efforts to contribute to building a better society."

He praised the civic engagement, as well as the religious commitment of Fr Viganò, his brother Fr Angelo Viganò, SDB, and the many sons of Don Bosco who have been present in Sondrio for 118 years. He concluded by saying, "On behalf of the city and the whole area of Valtellina, I want to thank the Salesians who have been so active in our community."

"I think there is a link between the charism of Don Bosco and the Valtellina" replied Fr Cereda, recalling the strong bond between Fr Viganò and his land, "which he loved."

In the late afternoon, the Vicar of the Rector Major met the young people of the city at the San Rocco Salesian Oratory, and – according to a report in the local newspaper, the Valtellina News – he addressed to them a call to "active citizenship and respect for law," urging them also to respect the environment and to make intelligent use of the social media.

The following day, Sunday 12 April, Fr Cereda presided at the Eucharist in the Church of the Collegiate, the main Church of Sondrio, and met the local Salesian Family.

Published 14/04/2015

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