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13/4/2015 - Italy - Forming the heart of the Son in those whom the Spirit has called

(ANS - Rome) – An International Congress of Formation Personnel of consecrated men and women took place in Rome from 7 to 11 April, on the days before Easter. There were 1300 participants, with 480 different charisms, from 106 nations. The central theme was "Living in Christ according to the way of life of the Gospel."

Fr Salvador C. Murguía, SDB.

The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life had invited men and women religious from around the world. The work was led by Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation and Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, Secretary of the same Congregation.

The theme addressed by the speakers focused on the major documents of the Magisterium of the Church. Acknowledging the contributions of the various founders and charisms, they focussed on the person of Jesus and the call addressed to all to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. He urged them to "look to the past with gratitude, live the present with passion and embrace the future with hope." As formators and members in formation they are called to configure their lives around Jesus Christ and to be guided by the Holy Spirit, who is the only formator.

Many ideas, worries and concerns were raised with regard to models of initial formation, accompaniment and ongoing formation, and also on discernment and docility.

The conference ended with an audience with Pope Francis in the Paul VI Hall. The Holy Father offered all the participants words of encouragement that amounted almost to a programme: "Consecrated life is one of the most precious treasures of the Church," he said, and then added: "It is wonderful to be a formator, because it is a privilege to share in the work of the Father, who forms the heart of the Son in those whom the Spirit has called."

The Pope also thanked all religious: "for what they are and what they represent as educators and formators.  Behind each of you I see our young people, protagonists of a present lived with passion and promoters of a future of hope." He invited them to "live this ministry with joy and gratitude, knowing that there is nothing more beautiful in life that belonging to God with all your heart and giving one’s life in the service of others."

Among those who attended the congress were 15 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and 27 Salesians, in addition to the FMA novices who enriched the times of prayer with music and song. At the end of the Congress, the Salesian participants came together under the guidance of Fr Ivo Coelho, Councillor General for Formation, to exchange experiences and evaluate the meeting. It was a moment of enrichment, motivated even more by the unexpected presence of Cardinal Braz de Aviz who had come to greet the large Salesian group and to encourage the work of education and formation of the entire congregation.

Published 13/04/2015

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