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30/3/2015 - RMG - "I went to Africa to live close to the poor and I have always been able to do so. For this I thank God"
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(ANS - Rome) - Fr. Piero Gavioli is a Salesian with a very long missionary history. For the past six years he has been Rector of the Don Bosco Centre in Ngangi, Goma, one of the most troubled areas in the world with natural disasters and war. For the previous forty years, he worked as a missionary in Lubumbashi  in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He gives of himself voluntarily and spends his life with and for the poor. Here he talks about his experience in Goma.

What is the current situation in North Kivu? There have been more reports recently of violence, kidnappings, etc.

I have been absent for a month from the Democratic Republic of Congo and all I know is what I read in the media on the arrest of activists. I can say, however, that unfortunately events like these are endemic. Goma was liberated in 2013 from the rebel groups, but they are still in the North, hiding in the forests, and the region is not yet totally peaceful.

In your opinion, what should be done to solve the problem of these continuous clashes? 

Encourage development and work. The young people who get involved with the militias do so because they have no future, no job, and no opportunities. The Bishops of Kivu have declared the state "dissolute", meaning that it does not care about the interests of the people, but only their own. The Kivu region is very rich, but the benefits do not reach the population. If there was work, there would be no reason to go to war - except maybe the interests of multinational corporations.

Faced with these realities, is there a risk of feeling isolated and irrelevant?

We believe that education is the best way to help young people to develop and then to find a job. Given the social context, we try to train them to be self-employed.  We offer short courses for hairdressers, carpenters, and so on, to enable young people to start a business right away and live in dignity. We do not feel isolated, we are in contact with many other NGOs who appreciate us and help us.

What have you learned from your experience in Goma?

I must say that when Pope Francis began to say that the Church should be close to the least and the poorest, and that we should leave the doors open, I found confirmation of what I've been trying to live. I think this was the most important encouragement I received in recent years.

I was already in Africa when I was ordained a priest and this was one of my motives. I knew I could not solve all the problems of the people. For me being a priest also meant offering in the Mass all the sufferings of the people around me.

I had gone to Africa to live close to the poor and I have always been able to do so. And for this I thank God.

Published 30/03/2015

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